Update Spring 2023
Dear Infinity Family Care family,
I hope everyone is doing well and settling in to 2023! I’m hopeful that 2023 will bring back more “normal” social interactions/school/work/life for all of us. For anyone who has fallen out of their usual healthy lifestyle habits or preventive screenings, you are not alone, and we are here to help. We have been working hard to improve the service and value to our members and are excited to announce the following additions to your current membership:
Generic medications are now included in your membership for FREE – We have partnered with a mail order pharmacy called ManifestRx such that, if you choose to participate, any generic medications you are prescribed will be shipped to your home for free. If you need an acute medication, like an antibiotic, you will have a ManifestRx card to take to the local pharmacy and your generic medication will be filled there for free. ManifestRx sources its medications in the US, and has a very comprehensive list of covered meds. They will also provide our members with a discount card you can use at the local pharmacy for deep discounts on any generic meds that are not on their mail order formulary. You will receive much more detail on this program in the next couple weeks.
Virtual consults with specialists included in your membership for FREE – Consults with specialists have become increasingly hard to obtain in a timely manner during the pandemic. Many area specialists are booking 4-6 months in the future, causing understandable frustration and unhealthy treatment delays. To try to address this, we have partnered with TheaHealth to be able to do virtual, doctor-to-doctor, consults with Board Certified physicians in 26 different specialties should the need arise. This means, with your permission each time, I send your clinical history and explanation of current clinical concern to the appropriate specialist and we get a recommendation from her/him regarding next steps in workup or treatment in real time, usually within 72hrs or less. I’ve used it with several patients so far and it has been amazing at saving costly, time consuming office visits and preventing treatment delays.
Intensive nutrition/lifestyle change support included in your membership for FREE – we have partnered with BodySite, which offers an interactive platform for supporting you as you make changes in your nutrition or exercise routine. The integration with BodySite allows you and I to select a nutrition plan you would like to try (such as Mediterranean Diet, Clean28, Plant-based, Auto-immune Paleo, Gluten-free, Low FOD-MAP etc) and it provides daily (for 4-12 weeks depending on the program) education around the plan, recipes and food/habit tracking to support you in making the change.